Support TeamThis is a good opportunity to have some fun and help us with a great cause. Parents with children over 10 years of age are welcome to join, can you think of a better way to bond with your youngsters. No experience is necessary! Help out with layout developments year round indoor and outside layouts to include the Skaguay town. Enthusiastic, energetic individuals or groups please apply. Retired seniors with trade backgrounds are an asset, or if unskilled and willing to learn. Call Barrie's Cell at 403-680-7061 today for details on how to get involved.
DSGR's Maintenance of Way Support Team
Barrie L. Roberts - Chief Engineer of Operations
Born in Vancouver, B.C., Canada - Retired
from essential civic services with the City of Calgary after thirty years
with both the Police and Fire departments, after a near fatal hit and
run vehicle accident resulted in the loss of limb. Barrie’s love of
carpentry has served him well over the years as an accomplished
finishing carpenter, allowing him to build and renovate his own homes. Katharina Derksen - Gardener extraordinaire
Personal information confidential. Katharina was born in Siberia, Russia in the early sixties and immigrated to Canada with her husband and young family after a brief term in Germany. First settling in Manitoba for a period prior to coming to Alberta with all her family members, she enjoyed acreage living and had an amazing garden. She has a strong will and determination wishing to return to acreage living with an opportunity to apply her skills again to the garden, since the passing of her beloved husband She has been employeed in the senior care facilities, as a dietician / general day supervisor which she enjoys immensely. We believe she has found her dream home here in DeWinton and I have since asked her to become my life partner, nuptials are planned for the Fall. Her sons and daughters have since grown and live nearby within the province with their own respective families now and have blessed her with many grandchildren. Dan Ellis - Train Engineer
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